In lieu of termination, [Company name] is entering into this last chance agreement with [employee name] to provide a final opportunity to [correct behavior, improve performance, etc.] and continue employment.
[Employee name] and [Company name] agree to the following:
On [date], [employee name] [describe the violation or reason for this agreement], which can be grounds for termination. Instead of immediately terminating employment, [employee name] will be suspended from work without pay for [number] business days and subject to a performance improvement plan.
The employee has received a written disciplinary notice dated [date], regarding [violation or reason for this agreement stated above]. This notice includes details regarding [Company name]'s expectations and a performance improvement plan .
The employee understands that this agreement is the employee's last chance to remain employed at [Company name]. Failure to meet all the expectations outlined in the performance improvement plan at any time will result in immediate termination.
The employee understands that [Company name] is an at-will employer and nothing in this agreement is a promise of continued employment. The employee agrees to comply with all company policies, practices and procedures and understands that this agreement in no way prevents the employer from taking disciplinary action, including termination, in the future.
Employee signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________
Supervisor signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________
Human resources signature: _____________________ Date: ________________