Fallout player who acts like an npc

The console command window is opened by pressing the tilde key (~) in the upper left corner of the keyboard, under escape (Esc). The window is closed by pressing (~) again. Codes are typed in the bottom left corner and a list of previous commands appears along the left side of the screen. Pressing (Enter) executes the command. Case is not important. Leading zeros do not have to be entered when typing IDs.The arrow keys can be used to select recently used commands, which is useful if you need to do the same one several times. These lists and selections are maintained if the window is closed and reopened, even if you go back to a past save. Only restarting the game clears the history.

. Warning .

Not having a proper understanding of these codes and exactly how they work may damage your game if they are incorrectly implemented or misused. If you come across a bug, I would highly suggest checking the “Bugs” section of the quest or person’s wiki page (The Fallout Wiki [fallout.wikia.com] ) for suggestions on what codes are appropriate. Always create a New Save before attempting to make changes to the game, as long-term mistakes or consequences may not become noticeable for some time.

Some commands require a target, such as if you want to reset or move a particular NPC or item. If they are in sight, then you can use the mouse to select the person or object. As a general tip, you should try to be as close to the subject as possible, as the game often selects other surrounding objects or NPCs instead. Alternatively, you can also use the command prid. This is done by typing

Each NPC in the game has its own unique reference ID which is used in targeting. Case is not important, and leading zeros can be ignored. An Example that selects Codsworth (0001CA7D):

prid 1ca7d

Either way, its reference ID should appear at the top of the window. Another way without using prid is to prefix the command with a RefID, such as in 1ca7d.additem f 100 to give Codsworth 100 caps. See Fallout 4 Characters [fallout.wikia.com] for reference IDs for all named NPCs.

To apply the command to the Player, add the prefix: "player." EX: player.additem f 100 to add 100 caps to your inventory.

An easy way to get IDs for items, NPCs, locations, ect. in-game, is to use help . The is for filtering (0-all, 1-functions, 2-settings, 3-global, 4-other forms), but leave it as 0 to see all. For Example typing help armor 0 will display a list of IDs of all items, perks, game settings, etc. which have the word "armor" in them. Use the (Page Up) and (Page Down) keys to scroll through the list. If the term is more than one word, then use quotation marks, such as help "combat armor" 0

Links / References

Links to find various Item IDs: Fallout 4 Items [fallout.wikia.com]
Links to find various Named NPC IDs: Fallout 4 Characters [fallout.wikia.com]
Links to find various Creature / Enemy IDs: Fallout 4 Creatures [fallout.wikia.com]
Links to find various Quest IDs: Fallout 4 Quests [fallout.wikia.com]
Links to find Perk IDs: Fallout 4 Perks [fallout.wikia.com]
Links to find various Weather IDs: Weather Effects

Character variables (use with getav, setav, modav, or forceav):

speedmult (normal is 100)
invisibility (on 1, off 0)
> >(head condition, 0 - 100)

> >(torso condition, 0 - 100)
> >(L arm condition, 0 - 100)
> >(R arm condition, 0 - 100)
> >(L leg condition, 0 - 100)
> >(R leg condition, 0 - 100)
> >(effect unknown)

NOTE: I have not personally tested many of these commands, so I may not be very helpful if you have any questions. This guide is based off of Fallout 4 Console Commands [fallout.wikia.com] , from The Fallout Wiki. I highly suggest checking there for specific questions.

This is a quick reference list of some of the most commonly used commands. PLEASE SEE THE OTHER SECTIONS for more detailed information on how they are used.